To better the communication between people in tech teams is one important issue in daily work. Although we all grew up with communication from our early childhood on, we know, that communication often fails. But what do we all do about this discrepancy? Why do we accept eyes wide open these frequently painful failures? Why don´t we really care about misunderstandings and their consequences? Are we all Masters of Disaster? The answer is: Communication is a very complex topic on both sides of the game – on the sender´s side as well as on the receiver´s. To get aware of what is going wrong in our communication we have to do some very hard stuff: self-reflexion (which is indeed sometimes painful and hard to bear), changing familiar behaviors and leaving the comfort zone. This is really hard work besides all the tasks of our daily job! Additionally to a strong will, we need persistence, patience and most of the time aid from the outside to be successful in changing our...
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